What are the rules for election campaign signage?
Election signs cannot be erected until the day after Nomination Day (August 19, 2022). Signs must be removed after Election Day (October 24, 2022).
What information must be contained in a candidate advertisement?
- Identification of the candidate.
What information does a candidate need to provide to a broadcaster or publisher?
A candidate must provide the following information in writing to a broadcaster or publisher before allowing their advertisement to appear:
- The name of the candidate; and
- The name, business address, and telephone number of the individual who deals with the broadcaster or publisher under the direction of the candidate.
What information must be contained in a third party advertisement?
- The name of the registered third party;
- The municipality where the registered third party is registered; and
- A telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the registered third party may be contacted regarding the advertisement.
What information does a registered third party need to provide to a broadcaster or publisher?
A registered third party must provide the following information in writing to a broadcaster or publisher before allowing their advertisement to appear:
- The name of the registered third party;
- The name, business address and telephone number of the individual who deals with the broadcaster or publisher under the direction of the registered third party; and
- The municipality where the registered third party is registered.
Broadcasters and publishers are prohibited from allowing an advertisement to appear if this information is not provided to them.
Please be advised that if a municipality is satisfied that the third party advertising rules have been contravened, as outlined in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, the municipality may require a person to remove the advertisement or discontinue the advertising.
Election signs placed by or on behalf of a candidate or a political party, and signs designed to encourage citizens to vote, may be placed on the right-of-way of a highway after an official election has been issued, or for municipal elections in accordance with any by-law outlining a time frame for the placement of municipal election signs, subject to the following conditions:
An Election sign must not be placed upon or adjacent to the right-of-way of a Class 1A Freeway, Class 1 B Staged Freeway and Class 2A Principal Arterial Highway (i.e. Highway 400, Highway 11 and Highway 69).
Election signs may be erected on the right-of-way or adjacent to a Class 28 Undivided Arterial Highway, a Class 3 Collector Highway or Class 4 Local Highway after an official election has been called.
Everyone has the right to place an election sign on their private property no matter what Class of Highway. A maximum of two election signs are permitted upon any one property. Any election sign over 3.7m2 (40ft2) requires a sign permit.
Election signs up to 0.7m2 (8 ft2) in size must be placed a minimum of 4m (12 ft) from edge of pavement. Election signs over 0.7m2 (8 ft2} and up to 3.7 m2 (40 ft2) must be placed at the outer limit of the highway right-of-way.
Election signs must not be affixed to any permanent or official highway sign, a guide rail or other highway structure or facility. They must not be placed where they may interfere with visibility, official signs, traffic signals, or other safety devices. They must not be placed on a safety island at intersections.
An election sign must not exceed one sign facing in each direction of travel on the right-of-way on any 2.0 km section of a provincial highway.
Portable read-o-graph sign trailers are prohibited on the right-of-way of a highway. Such read-o-graph sign trailers may be utilized, providing they are erected on private property and meet the requirements of the ministry for portable read-o-graph signing.
Permits or Letters of Approval are not required for any election signs erected under the Ministry of Transportation's Corridor Signing Policy. A Sign Permit will be required for any signs in excess of 3.7 m2 (40 sq. ft.) in size and they must be placed on private property.
Any signs contravening this policy will be removed by the Ministry of Transportation.
Candidate committees, volunteers and/or workers shall be required to remove all candidate advertising (election signs) from the Ministry of Transportation right-of-way and adjacent properties within three (3) working days following Election Day.
Signs not retrieved by this time will be picked up by the Ministry of Transportation patrol forces and stored in a safe place (patrol yard, etc.) for a period of two (2) weeks. After this time the election signs will be disposed of.

The County of Lanark allows campaign signs on county road allowances as long as sight lines are not affected, and the signs are removed immediately after the election.
The provincial policy with respect to the posting of campaign advertising on provincial road allowances follows on the next few pages.
Posters or similar campaign advertising that will be installed or affixed to poles belonging to Hydro One Network, Bell Canada or other public utilities will require the permission of these respective approving authorities.
The investigation or prosecution for any acts of vandalism to campaign advertising of the Candidates should be referred to the local police force by the complainant. The municipality or any of its municipal servants, employees or agents will not be responsible.
If a municipality is satisfied that there has been a contravention of section 88.3 (candidates’ election campaign advertisements), 88.4 (third party advertisements) or 88.5 (mandatory information in third party advertisements), the municipality may require a person who the municipality reasonably believes contravened the section or caused or permitted the contravention, or the owner or occupier of the land on which the contravention occurred, to remove the advertisement or discontinue the advertising.